Women Inspiring Women
Hello and WELCOME! I am so grateful that you joined and that you place an importance on letting your inner peace and beauty shine! You deserve it!
My hopes are that my Blogs provide you with valuable tips that you can use regarding our health, wellness and beauty, that will help you in your journey to let your Goddess Shine. I will also share my experiences along my journey on the path of growth, learning and healing. I encourage you to empower other women too, so please feel free to share!
Today I want to share with you my take-aways from the absolutely amazing WOW6 Conference that was this weekend in Canmore, Alberta (@womenonlyweekend). WOW was created 6 years ago with heart and soul by the inspirational Cindy Drummond, as a space for love, laughter, and learning and it has grown every year and now I see why.
I believe in divine timing and that everything happens to us for a reason. The last year has been a year of massive changes and I have had to learn a lot about my fears, realizing that the only person holding me back was me and my fears. So when I heard Kimberly Marchuk speak on Transcending Your Fear into Freedom, I felt, oh wow, was I ever meant to be listening to this! As Kim explained, fear has a purpose, become friends with your fear, embrace it, and learn how to communicate with it. She took us through an exercise to learn how to go to the pain body, talk to it, and embrace it and I was surprise by the emotions it stirred up for me. The exercise is simple, close your eyes, feel where the pain is, take deep breaths and talk to your fear, say I welcome you and I thank you for being there for me. Now I do not have all the words that Kim said for this exercise because I had my eyes closed, blinking through the tears, but I think you get the idea. How many of us actually embrace our fears? When I was doing this exercise it hit me like a rock, the light bulb went off! The reason I developed IBS last year, while working at a very toxic environment, being bullied, was because I was ignoring my fear and not embracing it! My whole life I have never embraced the fear! My body finally had to give up on me for me to realize that I was worth it and I deserved better! So speaking from experience it is invaluable to learn how to communicate with fear and love it, honor it, thank it, then step through it to the other side, which is where awesomeness happens! To quote Kimberly Marchuk "Fear Creates Chaos and Love Creates Unity"
What feelings do you desire? What is missing in your life? Do you look for outside sources to fill the holes? Listening to our Keynote speaker, Stephanie Hrehirchuk, it reminded m
e and hit home again that I don't need outside influences to feel what I want to feel, it is inside of me already. If I want to feel peace & happiness, then just take deep breaths, mediate and think of a time I had pure peace and happiness, feel inside me what that feels like, hold that feeling and I can feel that whenever I want. It is already inside me.
What is something that you love to do, something that you can do all day and you don't get tired? What is something that you highly value that you will not compromise? Christina Read walked us through "What is your spark?" Not all of us are in the ideal job, where we are fulfilling our passion and our job is our spark, so it's important to be in your spark at least 10 minutes a day. After going away and thinking about this, I can see the value for anyone who is unhappy in their job, to understand what their spark is, what are they passionate about, and then determine how they can tap into this. I am grateful that I made the leap this year to fulfill my passion and live my spark on a daily basis!
There was many other amazing speakers and valuable information I learnt, but these are the key highlights for me that I wanted to share with you and I hope it has given you information you can use in your life, or even share with someone else that struggles finding peace, their passion or facing their fears.
What was overwhelming and so amazing overall, was how empowering it is to be surrounded by 140 other like minded women all wanting the same things. The energy was electric, happy, fun and so inspiring! Just like Cindy said at the start, We often don't carve out time in our busy lives to take care of ourselves, so give yourself permission to take what you need!
I also want to give a shout out to Susan Hoy with Culinary Skills & Nutrition for the highly informative demonstrative cooking class! Susan taught us that you can make whole nutritional food that actually tastes amazing! She made Buffalo Cauliflower Wings, Chocolate Hummus, and Walnut Veggie Burgers, which for being a farm girl who loves my beef, could not tell the difference!
To share where the conference was held! The conference was at the Solara Resort in Canmore, which is a great retreat to visit for a weekend! If you haven't stayed there yet, it is worth the visit.