New to Daysdream!
I am excited, yes ! am! Why you ask??? Well, you may not know this, but I am going to divulge a secret of what sometimes happens when...

Combat the Maskne!
As we enter this new era of wearing face masks everywhere we go, we are making history. An era where people are now posting selfies of...

Getting on the "Please Get Me In Sooner" list
Hello to all the beautiful goddesses and warriors out there! I am extremely grateful and blessed to announce that October for Daysdream...

Planting the Tomato Seed
I just finished reading Louise Hay's book, "You Can Heal Your Life" and I feel it would help others to share what I have learnt through...

The 3rd Annual Daysdream Gratitude Event!
WOW, 3 years already! When I think about how much expansion has happened in the last three years for me personally and with Daysdream, I...

Healing the Soul
There is not one simple or single word that I can come up with to properly summarize the past 5 years to you, but when I use the phrase...

The Goddess Essence Facial!
I am SO thrilled and excited to announce that Daysdream has a lovely new facial added to the list of goddess treatments to nurture your...

Self Reflections about Love....
It wasn't until I was in my 40's when I was going through my divorce that I had the ah-ha moment and realization that I did not truly...

Embracing our Age & Beauty
In light of just having my 50th birthday party and having such an amazing night with family and friends, celebrating this milestone...

2018 Daysdream Gratitude Event
I can't believe that it has been a year since Daysdream's first Gratitude Event and that we are almost into December, planning my second...