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Empowered Goddess Retreats and Circles

Empowered Goddess Circle

Held the first Monday of every month, in the sacred and safe space of Daysdream, Dalyn brings women together to heal, love, and grow.

These circles are held with the intent to guide and encourage women to embrace their story, to love themselves unconditionally, and to be the keeper of their own flame in this sacred space.

This is a peaceful evening of meditation, reflection, support and enlightenment, infused with a crystal bowl sound bath.

To attend you do not have to have any spiritual experience or meditation, just come with an open mind to receive all that you are meant to receive for your higher good.

Each month, the theme will be intuitively set a few days before based on the needs of the group and collective energies.   The personal investment is $25 and includes coffee, tea, water, blankets, pillows for sitting in circle on the floor, and oracle cards for intuitive readings.  For individual comfort you can bring your own bolster or meditation cushion.  It is recommended you bring a pen and journal.

Doors open at 6:15 and circle starts at 6:30 going to 8:30 pm.

Register for the next Empowered Goddess Circle

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Picnic in nature

The Empowered Goddess Retreat

After a long and exhausting work week and feeling like your cup is empty, a retreat is a beautiful way to recharge and relax, focusing solely on YOUR well-being.

Escape into nature, just 10 minutes outside of Ponoka, Alberta, for this peaceful and nurturing weekend on July 19 to 21, 2024. 


This retreat includes:

🧘‍♀️Sunrise meditations

🧘‍♀️Full Moon Ceremony

🧘‍♀️Sun & Moon Salutations

🧘‍♀️Evening Drumming Circles

🧘‍♀️ Breathwork
🧘‍♀️ Group Card Readings 
🧘‍♀️ Sakalya Yoga (postures, mudras, mantras and Kriyas) 
🧘‍♀️ Journaling, Reflection, & Quiet time
🧘‍♀️ Guided meditations
🧘‍♀️ Feminine earthly dance that moves us through the journey of maiden, mother, and crone 

The Empowered Goddess Retreat starts at 5 PM on Friday, July 19th and ends at 3 PM on Sunday, July 21st.

Why this Empowered Goddess Retreat May Be for you:

This retreat will appeal to a women who feels like their cup is empty, they have no time for themselves, they feel drained, and just don't have time to take care of themselves.  They may also feel "stuck" and unclear of what lights them up.  This retreat is a safe place to get back to you and nurture your soul that wants to shine.  Love yourself back to happiness and joy.  

Your personal investment for this beautiful weekend is $544 + GST.  A non-refundable deposit of $100 is made to hold your spot and the remaining $444 is made on Thursday, July 18th.  

E-transfer to reserve your spot.

Food for Saturday and Sunday is included.  If you do not have a tent or trailer we do have a few sleeping spots available available upon request in travel trailers on site.

Porta Potties will be onsite as well.

Participants are required to bring:

Tent or Travel Trailer

Camping chair

Sleeping amenities (blankets, pillows, etc) 

Water bottle

Journal & Pen

We invite you to make the investment for yourself and be apart of this relaxing and loving weekend in nature!

RSVP now to hold your spot 

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