2018 Daysdream Gratitude Event
I can't believe that it has been a year since Daysdream's first Gratitude Event and that we are almost into December, planning my second annual event! So much has happened in the past year, Daysdream has grown so much, the actual business and me personally, and I have SO much to be grateful for! First of all I am so grateful for all of you! My beautiful customers that have allowed me to do what I absolutely LOVE and do what I have realized is my calling, to nurture your skin, beauty and soul.
That is why I feel it is so important to do something for you, to show my gratitude to you at my annual Daysdream Gratitude Event. It will be held December 1st at Daysdream from 11 to 2 PM. In the planning of this event I put a lot of thought and heart into putting an event together for you that allows you to Let your Goddess Shine, so in light of that intention, this year will include:
A little pampering for you, that is my treat, with a mini-reflexology session by Lynn and Jean
Surrounding yourself during the event with other goddesses, sharing laughs, smiles and happy loving energy
Networking with other goddesses, sharing stories and ideas, and you never know what new friendships are made
Spiritual Intuitive Tarot Card Readings with Selena of Moonchild Messages - $20 for 20 minutes
Of course shopping!
Gems for Gems will be here with their amazing GEMS Swag that helps support the cause!
Layer of Love will be here with their beautiful clothing to embrace your goddess
Carol White with Muse Creative will be here with her beautiful journals and pillows