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2017: Discovery and Realizations

Happy Holidays to All!

As Christmas is now over and the year slowly winds down, I sit and reflect on everything 2017 has been, all that has happened and all I can be grateful for! I hope you enjoy reading the journey of 2017, and a glimpse into my life, and see you in 2018!


The first few months of 2017 were life changing series of events, events that led up to me being one decision away from having a totally different life. I was working in the corporate world in a very toxic environment where myself and others where targets of workplace bullying and harassment. If we weren’t direct targets getting yelled at, then we were bystanders, watching with disbelief, almost paralyzed with fear. I believe things happen for a reason and this definitely did. My health went downhill for the second time at this employment, making me realize it was time to honor myself, believe I was worthy, no longer be a victim, make a stand and leave. It was time to go further down my healing journey that I had started several years prior, and it was time to look in the mirror and see the patterns I had created my whole life.


This was when it became clear to me that it was time to follow my dream, my passion, create Daysdream and pursue it full time. It seemed fitting the name too, my nickname was Day growing up. So Daysdream it was, Days…. Dream….